Abstract:This paper describes that there are two choices of the criterion about cut off transverse energy of cone algorithm of jet:One is associated with minijets,the other is associated with great transverse momentum jet.This paper studies the variable rule of jet event creation rate in the two case in different colision energy of centre of quality,compares and analyses the two cases and discusses their possible applications.
收稿日期: 2000-03-25
刘明,刘峰,刘连寿. 高能碰撞中喷注事件的产生率随碰撞质心能量变化的规律研究[J]. , 2000, 39(3): 0-0.
刘明,刘峰,刘连寿. On the rule of jet events creation rate varying with collisions energy of center of quality in high energy collisions. , 2000, 39(3): 0-0.