Abstract:In thispaper,we discusssome other related problems. Am ong them are (i) characterize the extremal (nonhamiltonian ) graphs with given connectivity;(ii ) characterize the extremal (nonham iltonian) graphs with given stability num ber;(iii) characterize the extremal nonhamiltonian graphs;and(iv) characterize the extremal BC- closed graphs- graphs in which the degree sum of every two nonadjacentvertices is atmostthe order of the graph.
收稿日期: 2001-01-25
黄保强,吴桃娥. 具有给定稳定数和连通性的极值图(Ⅱ)[J]. , 2001, 40(1): 0-0.
黄保强,吴桃娥. Extremal graphs with given stability number and connectivity (Ⅱ). , 2001, 40(1): 0-0.