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华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)  2018, Vol. 57 Issue (1): 114-119    
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李 翰
上海大学 文学院, 上海 200444
The Contents and Morality in Event of Early Historical Narrative
Li Han
College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444
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摘要 叙事与抒情有着不同的发生机制,散文叙事始于历史叙事,记录史实、保存档案是其基本功能,直书实录是其基本叙述方式,既与其实录功能相吻合,也与早期叙事能力的限制有关,反映了单线直观的思维。春秋后期的史著,道德及政治倾向成为重要的叙事目的,如何既表达立场倾向,又保持客观的叙事风格,史家腾挪于两全之间,大大推动了历史叙事能力的提高。
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李 翰
关键词 历史 叙事 事实 事义    
Abstract:Narrative has it’s own mechanism,which is not as same as lyric.Narrative began with history,recording historical facts and saving archives were its main function,and writing straightforward were its main methods.These were suited with its recording function,also were the cause of narrative limit. In history works in the late of Spring and Autumn period,morality and political position had become the main purpose for narrative.Historian seeked for narrative methods to record historical facts as well as to show their political position,which improved narrative level and carried the history of literature forward.
Key wordshistory    narrative    morality in event    contents in event
收稿日期: 2018-01-23     
李 翰. 试论早期历史散文叙事的“事实”与“事义”[J]. 华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2018, 57(1): 114-119.
Li Han. The Contents and Morality in Event of Early Historical Narrative. journal1, 2018, 57(1): 114-119.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/sk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/sk/CN/Y2018/V57/I1/114
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