Abstract:Marguerite Duras and Margaret Atwood have great influence on the world’s literature in the 20th century. Although their creations started before the formation of the eco-feminist theory, and their creative periods, creative styles and creative languages were different, the two writers’ life experiences and creative themes were implicitly coincided with the main ideas of eco-feminism. Both of them believe that women have a naturally intimate relationship with nature, and they criticize the male’s “invasion” of women and nature. Their works reveal women’s pain in the “gender” imbalance and call for gender equality and ecological balance. Observing their works from the perspective of eco-feminism,we can find out the similarities between the two writers’ creations which is also beneficial for the development of eco-feminism theory.
肖 凌. 杜拉斯与阿特伍德之比较研究——基于生态女性主义视角[J]. 华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2019, 58(3): 115-120.
Xiao Ling. A Comparative Study on Duras and Atwood——From the Perspective of Eco-Feminism. journal1, 2019, 58(3): 115-120.