Abstract:The difference between the prepositional structure composed of “wang(往)”, namely “wang(往) XV” and “V wang(往) X” , mainly lies in the nature of V and X, the way of framing, the highlighting of key points, and the tendency of style. In the special “wang(往) XV” structure that expresses the abstract direction or aspect, X is not a so-called “Localizers in V+L and A+L”, but a verb or adjective. It is only temporarily obtained the function of locality words through metaphor under construction coercion. In addition, statistics show that the frequency of “wang(往) XV” and “V wang(往) X” in news headlines is quite different, and the latter can also break through the restrictions of conventional rules. The reason is that the “Special Language Domain” attribute of news headlines is more compatible with “V wang(往) X”.
刘 彬. “往”字介词结构及相关语法问题[J]. 华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2024, 63(6): 108-115.
Liu Bin. The Prepositional Structure Composed of “Wang(往)” and Related Grammatical Problems. journal1, 2024, 63(6): 108-115.