Abstract:The isolation and identification of Bacillus cereus from soil samples ofgold deposit in Guangxi and Sichuan Provinces were reported. Fiftyfive soil sampleswere collected from 3 deposits. A total of 739 Positive colonies were isolated byEYA selective medium and 11 isolates were picked out from the colonies, the rateof isolation is 1. 5%. The morphology of cells and spores of these strains was inves-tigated under light and electron-microscope. The cells are Grampositive rods, 1. 0to 1. 4 pm by 2. 5 to 3. 5 pm, The spores are elliptical, central and without sporani-um and parasporal crystal. The physiological and biochemical characteristics of 11strains were examined. The results indicated that 10 of them should be identified asBacillus cereus
收稿日期: 1999-02-25
汤显春,陈绳亮,罗勤,熊克娟,谢树成,周修高. 广西四川金矿床区土壤样品中蜡状芽孢杆菌的分离和鉴定[J]. , 1999, 38(2): 0-0.
汤显春,陈绳亮,罗勤,熊克娟,谢树成,周修高. Isolation and identification of Bacillus cereus from soil samples of gold deposit in Guangxi and Sichuan. , 1999, 38(2): 0-0.