Abstract:In the present report, the effect of NaCl on plant regeneration from ma-ture embryo culture of rice (Oryza sativa L )in vitro was studied. The concentra-tlon of NaCl below 6. O g/L, in induction medium and proliferation medium reducedcallus growth slightly, but did not decrase regeneration frequency. Exposure toNaCl above 6. 0 g/L, during induction and proliferation phage decreased the rates ofinduction and regeneration.
收稿日期: 1999-02-25
李娟 许文亮. NaCl对高蛋白糯稻品系H1701胚培养力的影响[J]. , 1999, 38(2): 0-0.
李娟 许文亮. The effect of NaCl on plant regeneration from embryo culture of rice (Oryza sativa L. ). , 1999, 38(2): 0-0.