Abstract:This paper analyzes the causes of the flood and waterlogging disaster inWuhan, and puts forward precaution and control measures. It is believed that in1998 the rainfall in Changjiang River Basin is generally less than in l954, the floodand waterlogging disaster is worse due to logging too much, reclaiming lakes lead-ing to rivers, occupying shoals used to drain flood. It should be fundamentallypractised that planting trees in whole mountains, growing forest instead of cultivat-ing, renewing lakes instead of cultivated land, flattening protective embankmentsto drain flood, replacing relieving by labour, migrating and buliding towns, consol-idating dike, dredging rivers and lakes. The input to the resisting flood projectshould be enlarged, the legal and the synthetical administration to reduce and resistflood disaster should be intensified to prevent and control the flood and waterlog-ging disaster in Changjlang River Basin and Wuhan.
收稿日期: 1999-02-25
陶家元 彭春华. 武汉市洪渍灾害的防治对策[J]. , 1999, 38(2): 0-0.
陶家元 彭春华. The precaution and control measures of the flood and waterlogging disaster in Wuhan. , 1999, 38(2): 0-0.