Abstract:During the construction of the crop production statistics models, the paper introduced the gray forecasting methods based on time sequence and constructed the gray forecasting models. Through comparing these models with the common multi factors linearity regress weather models, the apper tried out to find out a kind of high precision and efficient model construction method which needs few data and simple operation, and made some research on the application of time sequence forecasting methods in crop production statistics .
收稿日期: 2001-02-25
白亚恒,吴胜军,黄进良,薛怀平. 基于时间序列的灰色预测技术在估产模型中的应用[J]. , 2001, 40(2): 0-0.
白亚恒,吴胜军,黄进良,薛怀平. The application of time-sequence gray forecasting methods in crop production statistics models. , 2001, 40(2): 0-0.