Abstract:A computer model to simulate a malignant cell growing in normal tissues is developed in this paper. A 2-D discrete structure is adopted in the initial cellular model. A series of adjustment factors are used to help to simulate the growth of different types of malignant cells under different conditions, and the influence of adjustment factors upon malignant invasion is also investigated in this paper. In the final part of the model, we extend the simulation by using proliferation.
收稿日期: 2003-04-25
孙亮,常云峰. 基于Potts模型的恶性肿瘤生长的二维随机模拟[J]. , 2003, 42(4): 0-0.
孙亮,常云峰. A 2-D stochastic simulation of malignant tumor growth using the Potts model. , 2003, 42(4): 0-0.