Abstract:The three-jet events produced in e~+e~- annihilations at 91.2 GeV are studied using the Monte Carlo method. The hadron jets ordered according to their energies were matched with the three jets at parton level to identify the gluon and quark jets from the events. Energy cut is added in the analysis to improve the purity of selecting jets. The distributions of mean multiplicity and mean transverse momentum of the three jets with the jet's energy and the ratio of _g/_q and _g/_q are calculated using the improved energy rule. Comparing with the results from the improved angular rule, it is shown that the improved energy rule can be used as an alternative way to identify the gluon and quark jets in experiments.
收稿日期: 2004-01-25
张昆实 陈刚 刘连寿. 辨别胶子喷注和夸克喷注的能量法则研究[J]. , 2004, 43(1): 0-0.
张昆实 陈刚 刘连寿. A study on the energy rule for the identification of gluon and quark jets. , 2004, 43(1): 0-0.