张 四 保
喀什大学数学与统计学院, 新疆 喀什 844008
The solution of a quaternary variable coefficient mixed equation on Euler function φ(n)
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Kashi University, Kashi,Xinjiang 844008, China
摘要 讨论了有关Euler函数φ(n)的四元变系数混合方程φ(xyzw)=3φ(x)φ(y)+5φ(z)φ(w)的正整数解,利用Euler函数φ(n)的计算公式以及初等方法,得到该方程有372组正整数解,并给出其满足x≤y,z≤w的93组正整数解.
关键词 :
Euler函数φ(n) ,
变系数混合方程 ,
Abstract :In this paper, we discussed the positive integer solutions of a quaternary variable coefficient mixed equation φ(xyzw)=3φ(x)φ(y)+5φ(z)φ(w) on Euler function φ(n). By the calculation formula of Euler function φ(n) and the elementary methods, the 372 positive integer solutions of this equation was obtained, and the 93 solutions satisfied x≤y, z≤w were given.
Key words :
Euler function φ(n)
variable coefficient mixed equation
positive integer solution
收稿日期: 2021-01-13
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