方 蕊, 朱建青
苏州科技大学数学科学学院, 江苏 苏州 215009
Noether symmetry of singular variable mass controllable nonholonomic systems on time scales
FANG Rui, ZHU Jianqing
(School of Mathematical Sciences, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215009, China)
摘要 研究时间尺度上奇异变质量可控非完整系统的Noether对称性与守恒量.首先以时间尺度上的Hamilton原理为基础,建立时间尺度上奇异变质量可控非完整系统的运动方程,然后依据Hamilton作用量在无限小变换下的不变性,给出该系统Noether广义准对称性的判据和Noether广义准对称性所对应的守恒量,最后举例说明研究结果的应用.
关键词 :
时间尺度 ,
奇异变质量系统 ,
可控非完整约束 ,
对称性 ,
Abstract :The Noether symmetry and conserved quantity for singular variable mass controllable nonholonomic systems on time scales are studied. First based on the Hamilton principle on time scales, the motion equation of the singular variable mass controllable nonholonomic systems on time scales is established. Then according to the invariance of the Hamilton action under infinitesimal transformations, the criterion of Noether's generalized quasi-symmetry and the Noether generalized quasi-symmetry corresponding conserved quantity of the systems are given. Finally the application of the research results are illustrated by examples.
Key words :
time scales
singular variable mass system
controllable nonholonomic constraint
conserved quantity
收稿日期: 2021-06-16
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