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华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)  2021, Vol. 55 Issue (5): 890-899    
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文 嫮1, 张苏缘2
(1.湖南大学经济与贸易学院,长沙410079; 2.南京大学商学院,南京210093)
Innovative development of Beijing’s film industry:a perspective on urban network linkages
WEN Hu1, ZHANG Suyuan2
(1.School of Economics and Trade, Hunan University, Changsha 410079, China; 2.School of Business, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)
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摘要 价值链分工的不断推进使得城市网络成为产业创新发展的载体.北京电影产业的分工协作已跨越地理空间界限,形成基于产业联系的城市网络.该文选取2015年第一出品单位为北京企业的115部电影作为样本,收集1 307家企业的关系数据,运用社会网络分析方法分析了北京电影产业所依托的城市网络联系.研究发现:1) 网络联系呈现开放的轮辐形态,网络连通度高达7.44、平均最短路径为2.76,可达性良好.121个中外城市企业参与了北京出品的电影生产,为产业创新提供了多元、开放、充裕的资本和信息.2) 网络联系中,上海、香港在价值链各环节都与北京互动频繁;洛杉矶、首尔、台北主要立足于“后期制作”和“发行”对北京纵向配套;深圳、金华、东京主要依托“联合出品”与北京横向合作.跨区域的产业配套协作成为支撑北京电影产业创新发展的基础.3) 网络凝聚子群阈值低,具有显著地理、组织制度临近性,与中国电影集团内部投融资关系网络高度耦合.因此,较低效率的组织制度关系锁定成为局限北京电影产业创新的瓶颈.
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文 嫮
关键词 电影产业城市网络北京创新    
Abstract:The continuous advancement of value chain division of labor has made urban networks a carrier of industrial innovation and development. The division of labor and collaboration of film enterprises in Beijing has crossed the geographical and spatial boundaries, thus forming the city network based on the industrial ties.Based on 115 films produced by Beijing enterprises in 2015, this paper collects all the cooperative relationship data of 1 307 participating enterprises, and uses social network analysis method to study the city network linkages on which the Beijing film industry relies. It's concluded as follows. 1) The network links show an open spoke pattern, with a high network connectivity of 7.44, an average shortest path of 2.76, and good accessibility. 121 Chinese and foreign urban enterprises participated in the production of films produced in Beijing, providing diversified, open, and abundant capital and information for industrial innovation. 2) Among the network links, Shanghai and Hong Kong have frequent interactions with Beijing in all parts of the value chain. Los Angeles, Seoul and Taipei mainly support Beijing vertically in “post-production” and “distribution”. Shenzhen, Jinhua and Tokyo mainly rely on “co-production” to cooperate with Beijing horizontally. The cross-regional industrial support has become the basis for supporting the innovative development of Beijing film industry. 3) The low threshold of corporate cohesion subgroups in the network, with significant geographic and organizational system proximity, is highly coupled to the internal investment and financing relationship network of China Film Group. However, the less efficient organizational system relationship lock becomes a bottleneck limiting the innovative development of the Beijing film industry.
Key wordsfilm industry network    city network    Beijing    innovation
收稿日期: 2021-10-18     
文 嫮,张苏缘. 北京电影产业创新发展研究——以城市网络联系为视角[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 55(5): 890-899.
WEN Hu,ZHANG Suyuan. Innovative development of Beijing’s film industry:a perspective on urban network linkages. journal1, 2021, 55(5): 890-899.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2021/V55/I5/890
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