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华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (6): 984-992    
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李丹丹1,2, 李晓花1,2,王凯红1,单 文1,王兆红1,张乐华1,2
(1. 中国科学院庐山植物园,江西 庐山 332900;2. 江西省植物迁地保护与利用重点实验室, 江西 九江 332000)
Effects of substrate ratio on root development of cutting seedlings of four alpine Rhododendron cultivars
LI Dandan1,2, LI Xiaohua1,2, WANG Kaihong1, SHAN Wen1, WANG Zhaohong1, ZHANG Lehua1,2
(1. Lushan Botanical Garden, Jiangxi Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lushan 332900, Jiangxi, China; 2. Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Ex Situ Conservation and Utilization, Jiujiang 332000, Jiangxi, China)
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摘要 以4个观赏性高、适应性强的高山杜鹃品种当年生木质化顶枝为试验材料,采用4个品种×4种基质的两因素完全随机区组设计,研究不同基质配比对高山杜鹃品种扦插生根及扦插苗根系发育的影响,阐明品种间的生根难易及适宜的基质组成,以期筛选出品种与基质的最佳育苗组合.结果表明:高山杜鹃品种在扦插第46~60 d时生根,不定根主要发端于愈伤组织,属于以愈伤组织生根为主的生根类型.品种和扦插基质对除插穗成活率、愈伤率外的8个指标均有极显著的影响(p〈 0.01),且基质影响大于品种.隶属函数综合评价表明,16个处理中R. ‘Eucharitis’与M1(1∶1∶1)组合U值最大,而R. ‘Polaris’与4种基质组合的U值排名最后.高山杜鹃品种扦插生根困难,受品种、基质及其交互效应的显著影响;4个品种育苗效果依次为R. ‘Eucharitis’〉 R. ‘Tortoise Shell Orange’〉 R. ‘Annne rose Whitney’〉 R. ‘Polaris’;4种基质效果依次为M1(1∶1∶1)〉M2(3∶1∶1)〉M3(1∶1∶3)〉M4(1∶3∶1);不同品种对基质的生根响应存在差异,R. ‘Eucharitis’与M1(1∶1∶1)组合可用于产业化育苗.
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关键词 高山杜鹃品种扦插繁殖基质根系构型特征综合评价    
Abstract:In this study, four alpine Rhododendron cultivars with high ornamental value and adaptability were selected as the test materials. Two-factor completely randomized block design of 4 cultivars × 4 media were applied to study the effects of different medium compositions on rooting and root development of cutting of alpine Rhododendron cultivars. The difficulty of rooting between cultivars and suitable medium compositions was elucidated, and the best seedling combination of variety and substrate was screened out to provide support for industrial development. The results show that the rooting time of alpine Rhododendron was 46~60 d. The adventitious roots mainly originated from callus, which belonged to the rooting type mainly from callus. Cultivars and cutting media had significant effects on 8 parameters except cuttings survival rate and callus rate (p 〈 0.01), and the medium had a greater impactthan cultivar. The evaluation of subordinate function suggested that R. ‘Eucharitis' and M1 (1∶1∶1) combination had the largest U value among the 16 treatments. The U value of R. ‘Polaris' and four media ranked the last in U value. The cutting rooting of alpine Rhododendron cultivars is difficult, which is significantly affected by the cultivar, medium and their interaction effects. The seedling effect of the four cultivars is in the order of R. ‘Eucharitis’〉R. ‘Tortoise Shell Orange’〉R. ‘Annne rose Whitney’〉R. ‘Polaris’; the four substrates is M1 (1∶1∶1)〉 M2 (3∶1∶1)〉 M3 (1∶1∶3)〉 M4 (1∶3∶1). The rooting responses of different varieties to substrates were different, and the combination of R. ‘Eucharitis' and M1 (1∶1∶1) was recommended for industrial seedling.
Key wordsalpine Rhododendron cultivars    cutting propagation    media    root architecture    comprehensive evaluation
收稿日期: 2022-12-12     
李丹丹,李晓花,王凯红,单 文,王兆红,张乐华,. 基质配比对4个高山杜鹃品种扦插苗根系发育的影响[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 56(6): 984-992.
LI Dandan,LI Xiaohua,WANG Kaihong,SHAN Wen,WANG Zhaohong,ZHANG Lehua,. Effects of substrate ratio on root development of cutting seedlings of four alpine Rhododendron cultivars. journal1, 2022, 56(6): 984-992.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2022/V56/I6/984
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