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华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)  2024, Vol. 58 Issue (3): 359-370    
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林静芬1,2, 胡 娟1, 唐 荣1, 崔家兴1
(1.华中师范大学可持续发展研究中心/华中师范大学地理过程分析与模拟湖北重点实验室, 武汉 430079;2.汕尾市自然资源整备中心, 广东 汕尾 516600)
Cluster spatial identification of traditional villages under social solidarity: from the perspective of contiguous protection
LIN Jingfen1,2, HU Juan1, TANG Rong1, CUI Jiaxing1
(1.Research Institute of Sustainable Development, Central China Normal University, /Key Laboratory for Geographical Process Analysis & Simulation, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China;2.Reorganization and Reserve Center of Natural Resources of Shanwei City, Shanwei 516600, Guangdong, China)
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摘要 传统村落是我国农耕文明的重要积淀和乡村社会的关键组成.传统村落集中连片保护利用示范工作的启动标志着我国传统村落保护范畴从单体走向群体.该文以鄂东地区89个传统村落为研究对象,从地脉、人脉、文脉三个维度构建社会记忆指标体系,结合GIS空间分析方法,使用实地调研数据和空间坐标数据度量传统村落社会关联和空间格局,提出传统村落簇团(若干簇团的聚集成为簇群)的概念及识别方法.研究表明:1) 传统村落具有丰富的地脉、人脉、文脉社会关联,集聚分布在孝感、武汉、黄冈的北部以及咸宁东部、黄石南部;2) 综合考虑传统村落社会关联和空间格局,研究识别出7个簇团、2个簇群;3) 根据网络密度,研究将传统村落簇团分为高协同性、中协同性、低协同性三类,并提出分类发展的建议.研究对于识别传统村落簇团与簇群、划定传统村落集中连片保护利用示范区具有理论和实践意义.
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胡 娟
唐 荣
关键词 传统村落 社会关联 簇团 簇群 连片保护    
Abstract:Traditional villages are the important accumulation of farming civilization and the key component of rural society in our country. The start of the demonstration work of the centralized protection and utilization of traditional villages indicates that the scope of traditional village protection in our country has shifted from individual village to village group. Taking 89 traditional villages in eastern Hubei as a case study, the research constructs a social memory index system from the three dimensions of geographic, human and cultural context, measures the social relationship and spatial pattern of traditional villages based on field survey data and spatial coordinate data combined with GIS spatial analysis method, and proposes the concept and identification method of traditional village clusters and groups. The result shows that: 1) Traditional villages with rich geographic, human, and cultural social solidarity are clustered in Xiaogan, Wuhan, the northern part of Huanggang, the eastern part of Xianning and the southern part of Huangshi. 2) 7 clusters and 2 groups are identified according to the social solidarity and spatial pattern of traditional villages. 3) Based on the network density, traditional village clusters are divided into three categories including high synergy, medium synergy, and low synergy. Suggestions for classification and development are put forward . The research is of theoretical and practical significance for identifying traditional village clusters and groups, and for setting contiguous protection and utilization demonstration areas of traditional villages.
Key wordstraditional villages; social solidarity; cluster    group; contiguous protection
收稿日期: 2024-06-12     
林静芬,胡 娟,唐 荣,崔家兴. 社会关联下传统村落的簇团空间识别:基于连片保护的视角[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 58(3): 359-370.
LIN Jingfen,HU Juan,TANG Rong,CUI Jiaxing. Cluster spatial identification of traditional villages under social solidarity: from the perspective of contiguous protection. journal1, 2024, 58(3): 359-370.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2024/V58/I3/359
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