摘要结合定量和定性研究的方法,基于大型汉语语料库“中文词汇特性速描系统”(Chinese Word Sketch)对汉语中的动词进行了全面考察和分析,在考察的1337个动词中并不是所有的动词都能带非典型宾语,能带非典型宾语的74个动词全部都是单音节动词,而且部分频率较低的动词也能带非典型宾语。就语义角色而言,非典型宾语可以进一步分为工具、处所、材料、方式、目的、角色、来源和时间等八个小类。就语义及句法特征而言,非典型宾语结构具有共现制约、介词引导、动性减弱等特点。
Abstract:Combined with quantitative and qualitative analyses,1337 Mandarin Chinese verbs were studied to examine for the non-canonical objects (NCOs) based on large-scale corpus—Chinese Word Sketch. In this study, only 74 monosyllabic verbs have been found to take NCOs.Interestingly, some low-frequency verbs can be found to take NCOs.Moreover, the study indicates that the NCOs can be divided into eight kinds including instrument,location,material,manner,reason,role,source,and time.They have special syntactic and semantics properties,including co-occurrence constraint,introduction by apreposition,and weakness of action meaning,etc.
陈 蓓. 汉语非典型宾语的语料库研究[J]. 华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2020, 59(5): 140-146.
Chen Bei. A Corpus-based Study on the Non-canonical Objects in Mandarin Chinese. journal1, 2020, 59(5): 140-146.