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华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)  2022, Vol. 61 Issue (5): 178-188    
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(南京晓庄学院 心理健康研究院, 江苏 南京 210017)
The Psychocultural Theory of Descriptive Psychology and Its Effects——With a Discussion of the HistoricalRelationship between Psychology and Culture
Wang Shenlian
(Mental Health Research Institute, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing 210017)
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摘要 心理与文化在生活实践和生活关系中的共生、互动和互构,从本体论上决定了心理科学应然的“文化品性”。科学心理学诞生以来,人文科学心理学家的文化自觉普遍远高于自然科学心理学家,是心理学与文化历史关联的主要推动者。作为人文科学心理学的第一种形态,描述心理学特别是浪漫主义传统的描述心理学,提出了丰富而澄明的心理文化论思想。描述心理学的心理文化论思想,直接或间接地影响了冯特民族心理学、精神分析心理学、存在心理学、维果茨基学派心理学及当代文化心理学的心理文化论思想。心理学工作者应具有文化自觉,并由具体研究层面的文化自觉上升到学科建设层面的文化自觉。
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关键词 描述心理学 心理文化论 人文科学心理学 文化心理学    
Abstract:The coexistence, interaction and mutual construction between human psychology and culture in life practice and life relations determine the supposedly “cultural character” of science of psychology in the ontological sense. Since the birth of psychology as a science, the cultural awareness of human science psychologists has been generally much stronger than that of natural science psychologists, and they have been the main promoters of the historical connection between psychology and culture. As the first form of psychology as a human science, descriptive psychology, especially the descriptive psychology in the romantic tradition, put forwards abundant and clear ideas about the psychocultural theory. The psychocultural theory has a direct or indirect impact on that of Wilhelm Wundt’s folk psychology, psychoanalytic psychology, existential psychology, the Vygotskian school psychology, and the contemporary cultural psychology. It is very necessary for psychologists to develop their own cultural awareness, not only at the specific research level, but also at the level of disciplinary construction.
Key wordsdescriptive psychology    psychocultural theory    psychology as a human science    cultural psychology
收稿日期: 2022-09-23     
王申连. 描述心理学的心理文化论思想及其效应——兼论心理学与文化的历史关联[J]. 华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2022, 61(5): 178-188.
Wang Shenlian. The Psychocultural Theory of Descriptive Psychology and Its Effects——With a Discussion of the HistoricalRelationship between Psychology and Culture. journal1, 2022, 61(5): 178-188.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/sk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/sk/CN/Y2022/V61/I5/178
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