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李振福1, 苗 雨2, 陈 晶3
1.大连海事大学 交通运输管理学院,辽宁 大连 116026; 2.上海交通大学 船舶海洋与建筑工程学院 上海 200240;3.大连海事大学 专业学位教育学院,辽宁 大连 116026
Analysis on the economic circle trade work of Arctic shipping routes based on structural holes theory
LI Zhenfu1, MIAO Yu2, CHEN Jing3
1.Transportation Management College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Liaoning 116026;2.School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240;3.School of Professional Degree Education, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Liaoning 116026
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摘要 北极航线的开通将会对其经过地区的经济贸易产生巨大影响,该文利用结构洞理论的中介中心性指标对北极航线经济圈的贸易网络节点进行静态比较分析. 研究结论:1) 随着中国经济的发展,中国已成为北极航线经济圈贸易网络中最重要的节点之一. 2)中、韩、日、美、加五国与北极航线经济圈国家的贸易联系最为密切,在贸易网络中占有重要地位. 3)北极航线经济圈贸易主要来自于中国、日本、韩国、美国、俄罗斯等国,这些国家是北极航线经济圈贸易的主要参与者.同时,这些国家也是中国在北极航线经济圈主要的贸易伙伴. 4)北极航线的开通,缩短了东亚、欧洲、美洲的距离,将会使北极航线经济圈贸易联系更加紧密.其中,中国、美国、日本、韩国等国由于拥有丰富的结构洞和活跃的贸易联系,优势更大.
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苗 雨2
陈 晶3
关键词 北极航线 北极航线经济圈 贸易网络 结构洞理论 中介中心性    
Abstract:The opening of the Arctic routes would have grievous impact on the trade business of the areas the Arctic routes affected. The characters of the node in the economic circle trade network of Arctic routes are analyzed comparatively by the betweenness centrality from structural holes theory in this paper. The finding indicates that: 1) with the rapid economic development, China has become one of the most essential nodes; 2) there exists particularly close trade connection among countries in the Arctic route economic circle including China, South Korea, Japan, the United States and Canada,which keeps playing an important role in the trade network; 3) the trade of the Arctic route economic circle are mainly formed by China and countries such as Japan, Korea, America, Russia, and thus the above countries become the key participants in the economic circle of Arctic route. In addition, the latter countries are also major trading partners for China; 4) the trade links for economic circle of Arctic route become more close due to shortening of the transportation distance among East Asia, Europe and America with the opening of the Arctic route. Whereby, China, the United States, Japan and South Korea will have greater advantage because of the rich structural holes and active trade links.
Key wordsArctic route    economic circle    trade network    structural holes theory    betweenness centrality
李振福1, 苗 雨2, 陈 晶3. 北极航线经济圈贸易网络的结构洞分析[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 51(1): 100-107.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2017/V51/I1/100
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