徐 胜, 林国龙, 孟燕萍
上海海事大学 物流研究中心, 上海 201306
Coordination of dual-channel supply chain in dairy products under the fresh discount level
XU Sheng, LIN Guolong, MENG Yanping
Logistics Research Center, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306
摘要 为研究奶制品新鲜折损水平影响的双渠道供应链协调问题,采用了Stackelberg博弈方法,分析了奶制品生产商和零售商分别在分散决策和集中决策两种情况下,线上和线下两种销售渠道的最优定价和最优利润,再利用收益共享契约来实现双渠道供应链的优化协调.算例分析结果表明:在新鲜折损水平较低情况下,集中模式和分散模式的供应链总利润相差很大,新鲜折损度较高的情况下两种模式的利润相差较小且趋近相等;同时验证了收益共享契约对解决考虑新鲜折损水平的奶制品双渠道供应链协调问题的有效性,该契约在实际生活中具有可推广性.
关键词 :
双渠道 ,
供应链协调 ,
新鲜折损水平 ,
Stackelberg博弈 ,
Abstract :In order to study the coordination of dual-channel supply chain in dairy products under the fresh discount level, the Stackelberg game theory is adopted. Then the optimal online and offline prices are analyzed along with optimal profits of the dairy producer and retailer in the decentralized decision-making model and decision-making model. Finally, the revenue sharing contract is used to achieve the optimal coordination of dual-channel supply chain. The example shows that: When the fresh discount level is low, the supply chain profits have a large difference between the centralized mode and the decentralized mode, while on the contrary, the profits will have a small difference and it's nearly equal. At the same time, the validity of the revenue sharing contract is studied to solve the coordination of dual-channel supply chain in dairy products and this contract can be promoted in real life.
Key words :
supply chain coordination
fresh discount level
Stackelberg game
revenue sharing contract
收稿日期: 2017-06-21
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