陶军晖, 吴 田, 戴 伟, 李 杰, 陈木青, 汪川惠, 陈欣琦, 李 睿, 靳海芹, 祁红艳
湖北第二师范学院物理与机电工程学院功能材料研究所, 武汉 430205
A study on the continuous cooling transition curve of Ti-bearing microalloyed hot-rolled enamel steel and corresponding microstructures
TAO Junhui, WU Tian, DAI Wei, LI Jie, CHEN Muqing, WANG Chuanhui, CHEN Xinqi, LI Rui, JIN Haiqin, QI Hongyan
Institute for Functional Materials, School of Physics and Mechanical and Electronical Engineering, Hubei University of Education, Wuhan 430205, China
摘要 采用热膨胀法和金相法,在Formastor-F试验机上测定了含Ti系微合金热轧搪瓷钢RT360的Ac1和Ac3以及Ms,并测定了该钢在不同冷却速度下连续冷却时的膨胀曲线,获得了该钢的连续冷却转变曲线(CCT曲线)及其相应组织,测定结果为大生产热处理工艺的制定提供了理论基础.当轧后冷却速率<0.5 ℃/s,可获得理想的多边形铁素体+少量珠光体组织.淬硬性倾向较小,基本不会出现冷裂纹.
关键词 :
含Ti系 ,
微合金 ,
热轧搪瓷钢 ,
连续冷却转变曲线 ,
Abstract :By dilatometric change referencing microscopic test and hardness measurement, the critical point at Ac1, Ac3 long with Ms of Ti-bearing microalloyed hot-rolled enamel steel was determined in Formastor-F thermalmechanical simulate. The different expanding curves of Continuous Cooling Transformation CCT diagram was measured. The CCT diagram provided the theoretical basis for the design of rolling and cooling process. When the cooling rate was less than 0.5 ℃/s, the ideal polygon ferrite and a small amount of pearlite is able to be generated. Thanks to the small hardening tendency, the cold crack would not appear in the matrix.
Key words :
hot-rolled enamel steel
continuous cooling transition curve
收稿日期: 2018-07-11
陶军晖,吴 田,戴 伟,李 杰,陈木青,汪川惠,陈欣琦,李 睿,靳海芹,祁红艳. 含Ti系微合金热轧搪瓷钢连续冷却转变曲线及其组织研究[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 52(4): 503-507.
TAO Junhui,WU Tian,DAI Wei,LI Jie,CHEN Muqing,WANG Chuanhui,CHEN Xinqi,LI Rui,JIN Haiqin,QI Hongyan. A study on the continuous cooling transition curve of Ti-bearing microalloyed hot-rolled enamel steel and corresponding microstructures. journal1, 2018, 52(4): 503-507.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/ 或 https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2018/V52/I4/503
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