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华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (1): 158-167    
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谢双玉1,2, 郑玮博1,2,3, 程绍文1,2, 阴姣姣1,2
(1.华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院, 武汉 430079;2.中国旅游研究院武汉分院, 武汉 430079; 3.科罗拉多州立大学人文与自然资源系, 美国, 柯林斯堡CO 80523)
Evaluation on cultural heritage of Wuhan Military World Games
XIE Shuangyu1,2, ZHENG Weibo1,2,3, CHENG Shaowen1,2,YIN Jiaojiao1,2
(1.The College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079,China;2.Wuhan Branch of China Tourism Academy, Wuhan 430079, China;3.The Department of Human Dimension of Natural Resources,Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523,USA)
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摘要 武汉军运文化遗产价值评价对于促进军运文化遗产的保护、传承与开发具有重要意义.该研究在梳理武汉军运文化遗产类型及代表性单体的基础上,构建了武汉军运文化遗产的价值评价指标体系,利用专家打分法、均方差法、加权求和法对武汉军运文化遗产的价值进行了定量评价和分析.结果表明:1) 江滩景观、武汉体育中心、夜间灯光景观、园林绿化景观、城市主干道等12个代表性单体为特品级文化遗产,不仅是武汉军运文化遗产保护和开发的重点对象,而且是同类赛事举办时应重点建设的内容;2) 几乎所有武汉军运文化遗产都具有很高的形象提升和社会价值,而纪念文化遗产各方面的价值都只是一般或较高;3) 武汉军运文化遗产的社会形象提升、政治和文化教育价值很高,而其他价值都只是较高,技术价值最低.在军运文化遗产后续保护、开发和利用时,应分层开发与利用不同级别的军运文化遗产,分类开发与利用不同类型的军运文化遗产,加快武汉军运文化遗产博物馆建设.
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关键词 武汉军运会文化遗产价值评价专家打分法    
Abstract:Evaluation on cultural heritage of Wuhan Military World Games (MWG) is of great significance to the protection, inheritance and development of MWG cultural heritages. After sorting out the types and typical examples of Wuhan MWG cultural heritages, a set of evaluation indicators was constructed to value Wuhan MWG cultural heritages. Then the Wuhan MWG cultural heritages were evaluated and analyzed by using expert scoring method, mean square error and weighted sum method. The results shown that: 1) The 12 typical heritage units, such as Wuhan River Beach landscape, Wuhan Sports Center, night lighting landscape, parks and green landscape, urban main-roads, are special grade cultural heritages, which are not only key objects for protection and development of Wuhan MWG cultural heritages, but also key elements to be constructed in future similar events. 2) Almost all Wuhan MWG cultural heritages have high city image promotion and social value, while the value of commemorative cultural heritages is relatively low. 3) The social value, image promotion value, political value, cultural and educational value of Wuhan MWG cultural heritages are very high, while other values are only high, and the technical value is the lowest. Wuhan MWG cultural heritages should be protected, developed and utilized according to their levels, types,and the construction of Wuhan MWG cultural heritage museum is requred to be accelerated.
Key wordsWuhan    Military World Games    cultural heritage    value evaluation    expert scoring method
收稿日期: 2022-02-14     
谢双玉,郑玮博,程绍文,阴姣姣,. 武汉军运文化遗产价值评价[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 56(1): 158-167.
XIE Shuangyu,ZHENG Weibo,CHENG Shaowen,YIN Jiaojiao,. Evaluation on cultural heritage of Wuhan Military World Games. journal1, 2022, 56(1): 158-167.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2022/V56/I1/158
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