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华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)  2024, Vol. 58 Issue (1): 25-35    
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孙九霞1,2,3, 王文慧1, 王钰宁1,3
(1.中山大学旅游学院, 广州 510275; 2.中山大学大湾区人文共同体重点实验室, 广州 510275;3.中山大学旅游休闲与社会发展研究中心, 广州 510275)
Collective action practice for livelihood adaptation of Tibetan community residents' under the background of tourism development: a case study of Xiawu Village
SUN Jiuxia1, 2, 3, WANG Wenhui1, WANG Yuning1, 3
(1.School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;2.Key Laboratory of Greater Bay Area Human Community, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China; 3.Research Center for Tourism, Leisure and Social evelopment, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China)
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摘要 乡村振兴战略背景下,集体行动的积极效能需要结合乡村发展的现实进行充分探讨.通过旅游助推乡村振兴的实践,更需基于有效的集体行动,形成多主体共建共治共享的社会治理新格局.该文选择西藏夏乌村作为案例地,通过长期的人类学田野调查,对虫草“挖三休二”制度的形成与发展、轮流打工制度的形成与发展、社区旅游参与实践路径的研究发现,夏乌村集体行动实践具有强烈的自发性,组织上的村民小组网格化管理模式和均质化、公平的发展理念,使得村民个体平等决策和共同参与公共事务成为可能.该文结合当地独特的生态环境、生计条件和社区文化,依托夏乌村集体行动的实践方式和集体行动的制度形成过程,呈现当前旅游助推乡村振兴过程中解决集体主义困境的可能路径,重点讨论少数民族旅游社区在集体行动实践中的自发性和主动性,个体行动和集体行动在过程中产生策略性互动,并为旅游发展奠定充分的制度基础和组织基础.
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关键词 旅游发展 生计适应 藏族社区 集体行动    
Abstract:In the context of the rural revitalisation strategy, the positive efficacy of collective action needs to be fully explored in the context of the reality of rural development. The practice of promoting rural revitalisation through tourism needs to be based on effective collective action to form a new pattern of social governance in which multiple subjects build and share together. This study chooses Xiawu Village in Xizang as a case study. Through long-term anthropological field research, the formation and development of the Cordyceps “digging three days and resting two days” system, the formation and development of the rotational working system, and the path of community participation in the practice of tourism were studied. It’s found that the collective action practice in Xiawu Village has a strong spontaneity. The villagers’ group grid-based management model and the development concept of homogeneity and fairness make it possible for individual villagers to make decisions on an equal footing and participate in public affairs together. Combing the unique ecological environment, livelihood conditions and community culture of the study area and relying on the collective action practice in Xiawu Village and the process of collective action system formation, the possible paths for solving the dilemma of collectivism of process of tourism-assisted rural revitalisation at the present time are presented and the spontaneity and initiative of the ethnic minority tourism community of collective action practice are discussed.Then, strategic interaction between individual action and collective action in the process are generated, which would lay an adequate institutional and organisational foundation for tourism development.
Key wordstourism development    livelihood adaptation    Tibetan communities    collective action
收稿日期: 2024-01-22     
孙九霞,王文慧,王钰宁,. 旅游发展背景下藏族社区居民生计适应的集体行动实践——以夏乌村为例[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 58(1): 25-35.
SUN Jiuxia,WANG Wenhui,WANG Yuning,. Collective action practice for livelihood adaptation of Tibetan community residents' under the background of tourism development: a case study of Xiawu Village. journal1, 2024, 58(1): 25-35.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2024/V58/I1/25
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