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华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)  2017, Vol. 51 Issue (6): 809-816    
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叶剑秋, 张 洁, 肖鑫辉, 吴传毅, 薛茂富, 李开绵
中国热带农业科学院 热带作物品种资源研究所 农业部华南基因资源与种质创制重点实验室, 海南 儋州 571737
Breeding characteristics evaluation of 54 cassava germplasm from Columbia
YE Jianqiu, ZHANG Jie, XIAO Xinhui, WU Chuanyi, XUE Maofu, LI Kaimian
Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resources and Germplasm Enhancement in Southern China, Ministry of Agriculture, Danzhou, Hainan 571737, China
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摘要 资源是育种的基础,对引进资源进行科学的评价是确定育种方向的前提,也是加快育种进度的关键.该研究通过田间试验(1 a)对引自哥伦比亚的54份木薯资源进行育种特性评价,通过对株高、块根直径、单薯鲜重、薯干率、鲜薯淀粉含量及支链淀粉含量等指标的测定和分析,确定54份资源的生产特性.结果表明:种质CM837、CM2399-4、哥伦比亚16P、19S、SG424-19、SM2300-1、SM2323-6、CMR34-11-3、CMR35-70-1和CMR35-70-1表现最好,是育种的优选材料;种质CM385-6、CM837、CM3993-9、CM4054-40、PER557、CMR26-07-15、CMR36-40-9、CMR37-14-9块根淀粉含量和生长情况较好但产量较低,可作为以高淀粉含量和以茎叶为饲料的育种材料;种质CM92-56-1、CM901、CM7595-1和SM28-80-3木薯产量和质量都较好,可作为以木薯为收获目标的育种材料.
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张 洁
关键词 木薯种质 田间试验 评价    
Abstract:Resources are the basis for breeding, while evaluation for resources is the prerequisite for breeding, and also the key point for speeding up breeding. In this study, 54 samples that introduced from Colombia were evaluated by field experiment (1 year) in order to determine the production characteristics, the indexes including plant height, diameter, fresh weight, dry rate, starch content, amylopectin content and others. The results showed that CM837, CM2399-4, Colombia 16P, 19S, SG424-19,SM2300-1,SM2323-6,CMR34-11-3,CMR35-70-1 and CMR35-70-1 were the best material for breeding; starch content and growth of CM385-6, CM837,CM3993-9,CM4054-40,PER557,CMR26-07-15,CMR36-40-9,CMR37-14-9 were better but the yield were low, which would be used as breeding materials with high starch content and feeding; yield and quality of CM92-56-1, CM901, CM7595-1 and SM28-80-3 were better, which are able to be used as breeding material for harvesting target.
Key wordscassava germplasm    field experiment    evaluation
收稿日期: 2017-12-13     
叶剑秋,张 洁,肖鑫辉,吴传毅,薛茂富,李开绵. 54份哥伦比亚木薯种质的育种特性评价[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 51(6): 809-816.
YE Jianqiu,ZHANG Jie,XIAO Xinhui,WU Chuanyi,XUE Maofu,LI Kaimian. Breeding characteristics evaluation of 54 cassava germplasm from Columbia. journal1, 2017, 51(6): 809-816.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2017/V51/I6/809
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