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华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)  2019, Vol. 53 Issue (5): 745-754    
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田玲玲1,2,3, 罗 静1,3, 张 晋1, 孙凯媛1, 杨涛华1
1.华中师范大学地理过程分析与模拟湖北省重点实验室/城市与环境科学学院, 武汉 430079; 2.华中师范大学社会学院, 武汉 430079; 3.湖北省发展和改革委员会/华中师范大学武汉城市圈研究院, 武汉 430079
Spatial distribution of cancer residents and its influencing factors in Xiantao City
TIAN Lingling1,2,3, LUO Jing1,3, ZHANG Jin1, SUN Kaiyuan1, YANG Taohua1
1.Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory for Geographical Process Analysis and Simulation/College of Urban and Environmental Science, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China; 2.School of Sociology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China;3.Academy of Wuhan Metropolitan Area, Hubei Development and Reform Commission & Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
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摘要 中国经济在快速发展的同时付出了高昂的环境代价,而环境的恶化也会体现在居民的公共健康上,尤其是癌症高发现象.癌症病例在空间上的集聚现象是人地关系演变的结果,成为社会群体格外关心的公共健康问题.研究选取江汉平原的仙桃市为案例,根据居民就诊记录提取居民癌症病例人数,基于地理空间分析方法,描述癌症的空间分布规律,探测患者在空间上聚集性特征;通过空间统计学方法描述外部环境因子与癌症空间分布特征之间的关系.结果表明:案例区癌症患者聚集分布明显但区域差异显著,总体呈现多中心分布格局.癌症病例多集中于河流下游、乡镇工业区和化工厂集聚区,距工厂的距离与癌症发病的空间分布呈高度相关,而医疗设施短缺地区对癌症发病具有一定影响,癌症高发聚落点大部分在距离河流5 km的范围内.该结果验证了仙桃市工厂布局、医疗水平和水体环境对居民健康的影响,为江汉平原区域相关环境污染整治和开展环境与人群健康监测提供参考依据.
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罗 静
张 晋
关键词 癌症 居民健康 空间分布 影响因素 仙桃市    
Abstract:The spatial agglomeration of cancer cases is the result of the evolution of man-land relationships, which cause public health problems that are of particular concern to social groups. In this study the number of cancer cases of residents are extracted based on the records of residents in the case area, and the spatial distribution of cancer residents are described based on geospatial analysis and kernel density. The spatial aggregation characteristics of patients are explored, and the relationship between external environmental factors and the spatial distribution characteristics of cancer cases is interpreted by geospatial statistics. The results showed that the aggregation of cancer patients in the case area was obvious with significant regional differences, presenting a multi-center, concentrated distribution pattern on the whole. The kernel density analysis suggested that cancer incidence was concentrated in the lower reaches of rivers, township industrial areas and chemical plant clusters. The distance from the settlement point to the chemical plant greatly affected the occurrence of cancer, and the areas where medical facilities are inadequate have a certain impact on the incidence of cancer. The high incidence of cancer is mostly distributed within 5 km from the river. The results verified the impact of environmental pollution and medical level on the health of residents, providing references for related environmental pollution remediation work and environmental and population monitoring.
Key wordscancer    residents' health    spatial distribution    influencing factor    Xiantao City
收稿日期: 2019-10-09     
田玲玲,罗 静,张 晋,孙凯媛,杨涛华. 仙桃市癌症空间分布及其影响因素研究[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 53(5): 745-754.
TIAN Lingling,LUO Jing,ZHANG Jin,SUN Kaiyuan,YANG Taohua. Spatial distribution of cancer residents and its influencing factors in Xiantao City. journal1, 2019, 53(5): 745-754.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2019/V53/I5/745
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