Numerical simulations and hardware experiments of hidden multiple attractors in a specific 3D autonomous dynamical system
XU Qiang1, YANG Xiaoyun1, LUO Jiaoyan2, XU Quan2
1.School of Computer Information Engineering, Changzhou Institute of Technology, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213032, China;2.School of Information Science & Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213164, China
Abstract:This paper investigated a kind of special three-dimensional autonomous dynamical system which possesses conservativeness and dissipativeness simultaneously. With the variations of the control parameters, the equilibrium points of the system had a transition from no equilibrium point, to non-zero equilibrium points, and then to no equilibrium point, or from non-zero equilibrium points to no equilibrium point. The evolution rules and the stability distributions of the system equilibrium point were explored qualitatively. By utilizing the dynamical methods of bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponent spectra, and phase portraits, bifurcation analyses with the variations of the control parameters were performed under different initial conditions. Meanwhile, a hardware circuit is designed and fabricated, and thereby the truth of the coexisting multiple attractors was verified by the experimental results.