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华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)  2022, Vol. 61 Issue (3): 135-144    
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(上海外国语大学 国际文化交流学院, 上海 200083)
The Original “Primitive Blood Poems”: The Literary History Orientation of Hai Zi’s Metapoetry Writing
Yang Siping
(School of Chinese Studies and Exchange, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083)
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摘要 在短暂的一生中,海子创作了大量短诗和许多长诗。这些诗不但具有燃烧的原始血性,而且还存在互文关联,乃至可以认为其短诗为其长诗创作做了前期铺垫与准备。太阳、生死、远方、爱情、姐妹、故乡等构成了海子诗的核心意象和恒常主题。无论是何种诗歌题材、主题、母题,海子诗总有一种命名、重释、还原、溯源、再造的倾向。海子诗十分倚重隐喻和悖论,“外互文性”丰富。海子为探求真理而执念创作的“血诗”,是海子的“命运之诗”、真理之诗。海子诗所关涉的题材和主题,均是他通过还原、隐喻、悖论和互文性等艺术方式,对生活与生存、真理与真实进行的元诗性诗歌写作探索。
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关键词 海子 “血诗” 元诗性 太阳 隐喻    
Abstract:In his brief life, Hai Zi wrote a large number of short and long poems, which not only are infused with primitive blood, but also have intertextual relations. It is even believed that his short poems have laid the groundwork and preparation for his long poems. The sun, life and death, distance, love, sisters, and hometown constitute the core images and consistent themes of Hai Zi’s poems. Regardless of topics, themes or motifs, Hai Zi’s poems always have a tendency to name, reinterpret, restore, trace and recreate. Hai Zi’s poems rely heavily on metaphor, paradox and “foreign intertextuality”. The “Primitive Blood Poems” obsessively created by Hai Zi in pursuit of truth are his “Poems of Destiny” and poems of truth. The topics and themes involved in Hai Zi’s poems are his metapoetry writing exploration of life and survival, truth and reality through various artistic methods such as reduction, metaphor, paradox and intertextuality.
Key wordsHai Zi    “Primitive Blood Poems”    metapoetry    the sun    metaphor
收稿日期: 2022-05-25     
杨四平. 原创“血诗”:海子元诗性写作的文学史方位[J]. 华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2022, 61(3): 135-144.
Yang Siping. The Original “Primitive Blood Poems”: The Literary History Orientation of Hai Zi’s Metapoetry Writing. journal1, 2022, 61(3): 135-144.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/sk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/sk/CN/Y2022/V61/I3/135
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