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华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)  2017, Vol. 51 Issue (4): 534-541    
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沈 威1,2, 杜巧艳1, 李永贺1, 赵 威1, 鲁丰先1,2, 周雨石1, 申智锋1
1.河南大学 环境与规划学院, 河南 开封 475004; 2.河南财经政治大学 城乡协调发展河南省协同创新中心, 郑州 450046
Study on the spatial-temporal pattern evolution and influencing factors of the new urbanization in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
SHEN Wei1,2, DU Qiaoyan1, LI Yonghe1, ZHAO Wei1, LU Fengxian1,2, ZHOU Yushi1,SHEN Zhifeng1
1.College of Environment and Planning,Henan University,Kaifeng, Henan 475004; 2.Urban-Rural Coordinated Development Center, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou 450002
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摘要 从经济、人口、社会发展、基础设施、城乡统筹和生态环境等6个方面建立新型城镇化发展水平的评价指标体系,运用熵值法、空间自相关分析法和灰色关联分析法等方法对长江经济带2003年、2009年和2014年110个地级及以上城市新型城镇化水平的时空格局及影响因素进行分析.结果表明:1)长江经济带市域间新型城镇化水平差异明显,西部差异大于中部大于东部;2)新型城镇化水平整体呈现出波动上升的态势,从东西方向上看,东部发展水平较稳定,中西部发展水平波动明显;3)新型城镇化中高、中等、中低和低水平区都呈现显著的空间集聚状态,但低水平区的连续分布状态有逐渐被“冲散”且面积减小的趋势;4)长江经济带新型城镇化水平五个类型区的影响因素各异,总体差异较显著.
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沈 威
赵 威
关键词 新型城镇化 时空格局演变 影响因素 长江经济带    
Abstract:The evaluation system of new urbanization is established in the article, which is composed of six subsystems: economy, population, social development, infrastructure, urban-rural integration and ecological environment. With the Entropy method, Spatial auto-correlation analysis and Grey correlation analysis, this article analyze the spatial-temporal evolution pattern of the new urbanization and its influencing factors of Yangtze River Economic Belt' 110 prefecture-level cities in 2003, 2009 and 2014. Results show: firstly, the spatial disparity of the new urbanization level is remarkable among 110 cities, which is larger in the western region than in the middle-eastern region; secondly, the level of new urbanization shows a fluctuant increasing progress, which is relatively stable in the eastern region, while fluctuates significantly in the middle-western region; thirdly, the spatial-correlation state of new urbanization level shows a significant positive correlation while the continuous distribution state of low level region has gradually been broken up with its distribution range decreases; fourthly, the influencing factors of the five types are different, and the difference is significant.
Key wordsnew urbanization    spatial-temporal pattern evolution    influence factor    Yangtze River Economic Belt
收稿日期: 2017-07-07     
沈 威,杜巧艳,李永贺,赵 威,鲁丰先,周雨石,申智锋. 长江经济带新型城镇化时空格局演变及影响因素研究[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 51(4): 534-541.
SHEN Wei,DU Qiaoyan,LI Yonghe,ZHAO Wei,LU Fengxian,ZHOU Yushi,SHEN Zhifeng. Study on the spatial-temporal pattern evolution and influencing factors of the new urbanization in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. journal1, 2017, 51(4): 534-541.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2017/V51/I4/534
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