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华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)  2024, Vol. 58 Issue (1): 72-82    
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李江敏, 张佳泋, 郝婧男
(中国地质大学(武汉) 经济管理学院, 武汉 430078)
Research on the spatial production and local identity of the living transmission of rural intangible cultural heritage tourism
LI Jiangmin, ZHANG Jiahui, HAO Jingnan
(School of Economics and Management, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430078, China)
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摘要 在全面推进乡村振兴战略的背景下,充分发挥乡村非物质文化遗产资源优势、发展乡村文化旅游产业对实现美丽乡村建设与乡村高质量发展具有重要意义.作为地方文化的重要组成部分,乡村非物质文化遗产具有强大的精神引领作用,发展乡村非遗旅游是实现传统文化活态性保护、乡村产业快速发展的重要途径.该文基于空间生产理论与地方认同理论,运用扎根理论的质性研究方法,构建了乡村非遗旅游活态传承空间生产中主体地方认同“六维循环”生成机制,同时明确了乡村非遗旅游活态传承空间生产中主体地方认同生成的基础条件和生成表现,为乡村非遗的保护、传承与旅游开发提供了参考.研究发现地方认同是基于空间内部形成的人地关系的特殊表达,贯穿了整个乡村非遗旅游空间生产全过程.乡村非遗旅游活态传承空间生产涵盖了物理空间、文化空间、社会空间,是乡村非遗旅游活态传承主体地方认同生成的基础条件,而认知内容、情感倾向、行为意向是乡村非遗主体地方认同的生成表现.
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关键词 乡村非遗旅游活态传承空间生产地方认同    
Abstract:Under the background of advance rural revitalization across the board, how to give full play to the advantages of rural intangible cultural heritage resources and develop rural cultural tourism industry is of great significance to the realization of beautiful rural construction and high-quality rural development. As an important part of local culture, rural intangible cultural heritage has a strong spiritual leading role. The development of rural intangible cultural heritage tourism is an important way to realize the living protection and transmission of traditional culture and the rapid development of rural industries. Based on the space production theory and local identity theory, the Grounded theory was used to extract the “six-dimentional cycle” generation mechanism model of local identify in the living transmission space production of rural intangible cultural heritage tourism. Meanwhile, it clarifies the basic conditions and generation expression of the generation of local identify in the living transmission space production of rural intangible cultural heritage tourism, which provides a reference for the protection, inheritance and tourism development of rural intangible cultural heritage. It’s found that local identity is a special expression of the man-land relationship formed within the space, which runs through the entire process of rural intangible cultural heritage tourism space production. The living transmission space production of rural intangible cultural heritage tourism, including physical space, social space, and cultural space, is the basic condition, while knowledge content, emotional tendency, and behavioral intention are the generation expression of local identity of rural intangible cultural heritage tourism.
Key wordsrural areas    intangible cultural heritage    living transmission of tourism    space production    local identity
收稿日期: 2024-01-22     
李江敏,张佳泋,郝婧男. 乡村非遗旅游活态传承的空间生产与地方认同研究[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 58(1): 72-82.
LI Jiangmin,ZHANG Jiahui,HAO Jingnan. Research on the spatial production and local identity of the living transmission of rural intangible cultural heritage tourism. journal1, 2024, 58(1): 72-82.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2024/V58/I1/72
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