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华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)  2024, Vol. 58 Issue (2): 224-233    
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高云虹, 刘津铭
(兰州财经大学经济学院, 兰州 730020)
Spatial-temporal pattern and its influencing factors of migrant workers ultidimensional relative poverty in China
GAO Yunhong, LIU Jinming
(School of Economics, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, Lanzhou 730020, China)
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摘要 该文基于2014—2018年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据,从经济条件、自我发展、生活保障三个维度构建农民工多维相对贫困指标体系,运用空间统计工具与空间杜宾模型考察了我国农民工多维相对贫困的空间分异及其影响因素.研究发现: 1) 我国农民工多维相对贫困状况逐年改善,贫困发生率逐步降低;生活保障维度指标对农民工多维相对贫困指数的贡献度呈下降趋势,而经济条件与自我发展维度指标的贡献度趋于上升. 2) 东、中、西三大区域以及各类城市群、各级城市的农民工多维相对贫困状况整体呈现改善趋势;东部地区、国家级城市群、规模大的城市减缓幅度较大. 3) 农民工多维相对贫困分布呈现一定的空间依赖性,低-低集聚型城市主要分布在中部与西部地区. 4) 农民工性别、年龄、受教育情况等个性特征与流入地财政支出、医疗服务供给、信息化建设等外部因素均影响农民工多维相对贫困状况;农民工自身教育水平和流入地基本医疗服务供给能有效发挥减贫效应,而且该效应还呈现一定的空间溢出特征.
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关键词 农民工 多维相对贫困 空间分异 影响因素    
Abstract:Based on the China Migrants Dynamic Survey from 2014 to 2018, a multi-dimensional relative poverty index system for migrant workers was constructed from the three dimensions of economic conditions, self-development and social security, and the spatial statistical tools and spatial Durbin model were used to investigate the spatial differentiation and influencing factors of multi-dimensional relative poverty of migrant workers in China. The results are shown as follows. 1)The multidimensional relative poverty of migrant workers in China has been improving year by year, and the incidence of poverty has been decreasing. The contribution of social security indicators to the multidimensional relative poverty index of migrant workers showed a downward trend, while the contribution of economic conditions and self-development indicators tended to increase. 2)The multi-dimensional relative poverty situation of migrant workers in the three major regions of eastern, central and western regions, various urban agglomerations and cities at all levels showed an overall improvement trend. The eastern region, national urban agglomerations, large-scale cities have a large mitigation range. 3)The multi-dimensional relative poverty distribution of migrant workers showed a certain spatial dependence, and L-L agglomeration cities were mainly distributed in the central and western regions. 4)The personality characteristics of migrant workers, such as gender, age, and education, and external factors such as fiscal expenditure, medical service supply, and information construction in the inflow area, affect the multidimensional relative poverty of migrant workers. The education level of migrant workers and the supply of basic medical services in the inflow areas not only effectively exert the poverty reduction effect, but also show certain spatial spillover characteristics.
Key wordsmigrant workers    multidimensional relative poverty    spatial-temporal variation    influencing factors
收稿日期: 2024-04-07     
高云虹,刘津铭. 中国农民工多维相对贫困的空间分异及其影响因素研究[J]. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 58(2): 224-233.
GAO Yunhong,LIU Jinming. Spatial-temporal pattern and its influencing factors of migrant workers ultidimensional relative poverty in China. journal1, 2024, 58(2): 224-233.
https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/     或     https://journal.ccnu.edu.cn/zk/CN/Y2024/V58/I2/224
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