Abstract:Microcystis blooms of t he dominating species microcystis aeruginosa,M. wesenhergii and M. viridis were collected from Dianchi Lake (South-WesternChina ) at different seasons of the year. All samples were tested by mouse bioassaysand the LD_50, of 3 samples were 432 mg/kg, 3l3 mg/kg, and 287 mg/kg respective-ly. The cells of the algae contained hepat0t0xins or microcystins. The HPl,C (highperformance ll(luld chromatography ) analysis showed that all the three micr0cystissamples c0ntained microcystin I,R. ln addition, sample A (dominating M. aerugi-nosa ) contained microcystin RR, sample B (dominating M. wesenbergii ) containedmicrocystinYR, sample C (dominant M viridis. ) contained both microcystin RRand YR. The results suggested that at different seasons the t0xins which were produced by the dominating microcystis species were fluctuent with regard to the composition and content of the toxins and consen(luently were 0bvious factors thataroused the Rad water (luality to decrease and change.
收稿日期: 1999-02-25
赵以军 甘小妮. 滇池蓝藻“水华”微囊藻毒素的分离和鉴定[J]. , 1999, 38(2): 0-0.
赵以军 甘小妮. The isolation and identification of microcystins from microcystis waterblooms in Danchi Lake, China. , 1999, 38(2): 0-0.