Abstract:This article reports the survey of bryophytes in Mt Shennongjia locating in the western Hubei Province of China. The result shows that there are 216 species of bryophytes including 181 species of mosses and 35 species of liverworts (including subspecies, varieties and forms) of bryophytes in this area, belonging to 51 families and 114 genera. Based on about 800 specimens collected from this area, 125 species are reported as new record in Hubei and 9 species are endemic to China.
收稿日期: 1999-03-25
刘胜祥,田春元,吴金清,彭丹,雷耘. 湖北省苔藓植物资源的研究 I.神农架地区苔藓植物的种类和分布(英文)[J]. , 1999, 38(3): 0-0.
刘胜祥,田春元,吴金清,彭丹,雷耘. Studies on the bryophyta plants resources in Hubei,China * I Species and distribution of bryophyta in Mt Shennongjia. , 1999, 38(3): 0-0.