Abstract:More than 400 specimens of bryophytes collected from Wuhan urban area are identified and analyzed. The preliminary study shows that there are 113 species in the area, belonging to 28 families and 52 genus, including subspecies 22 families,45 genera,6 species and varieties (6 families, 6 genera,7 species).The 8 main families are Pottiaceae, Dicranaceae, Thuidiaceae,Thuidiaceae,Brachytheciaceae,Fissidentaceae,Bryaceae ,and Entodontaceae. The main floriatic composition of the Wuhan bryoflora are North temperate elements, east Asiatic elements which the flora belongs to the transitional type from subtropical flora to the warm temperate flora.
收稿日期: 2001-03-25
刘双喜,彭丹,秦伟,余小菁,潘小玉,刘胜祥. 湖北省苔藓植物资源研究--Ⅱ武汉市苔藓植物区系[J]. , 2001, 40(3): 0-0.
刘双喜,彭丹,秦伟,余小菁,潘小玉,刘胜祥. Studies on the bryophyta plants resoucess in Hubei province--Ⅱ The bryophytes flora of Wuhan city. , 2001, 40(3): 0-0.