Abstract:Flea samples were collected in Shen-Nong-Jia forest region, in the northwest of Hubei province, from May 1965 to September 1989. The identification showed that 12 species and subspecies were newlv found in Hubei. Among them, 7 species and subspecies exist only in China. Peromyscopsyllascaliforma (Zhang et Liu), and Macrostylophorn ouii jiangkouensis(Li et Huang), are the (?) record China.Peromyscopsylla scali forma(Zhang et Liu), Macrostylophora cuii jiangkouensis(Li et Huang),were comparcd according to their morphological description.All the about mentioned samples are kept in parasitic diseasc Institute, Hubei Academy of Medical Sciences.
收稿日期: 1990-02-25
刘井元 杨其仁. 湖北省蚤类12新纪录[J]. , 1990, 29(2): 0-0.
刘井元 杨其仁. TWELVE NEW RECORDS OF FLEA IN HUBEI PROVINCE. , 1990, 29(2): 0-0.