Abstract:Facing the condition that geography is stagnant in the theoretical research on sustainable development, the authors analyses the main contents of sustainable development through the relationship between man and enironment, pointout the contributions and,advantages of geography to them, while clarify some ambiguous views.1) Geographers consider the resource and hazard as pasts of geographic environment. Whether they are deemed "resources" or "hazard" are largly dependent on the status of people's life and value.2) It is not rigorous that the natural resources have been traditionally splidedinto two type-nonrenenable and renewable. From the rates between replenishmentand use, it is more wise to consider natural resources nonsustainable or sustainable.3) The regional difference is important reason causing resource scarcity.4) The natural hazard is not pure natural process and is a negative result between man and ewionment. It can be avoided and reduced through the wise management on emionment.5) It has been conventional to study development in geography and can betraced two distinct world views on it: determinism, representing the belief in natural limits to growth, and possibilism', representing faith in technology to mitigatethese limits.6) From the view of teritoral (spatial) structure of relationship between manand emironment, sustainable development should be based on carrying capacity andis hierarchical and is exposed to the impact of specific factors at every regional (spatial) level.
收稿日期: 1994-03-25
肖平. 论持续发展:地理学的观点[J]. , 1994, 33(3): 0-0.