Abstract:Soluble proteins were extracted from rice grown. with added selenium. The proteins riched with selenium were separated by (NH 4) 2SO 4 fractional salting out and molecular sieve column chromatography. The Se amino acids were separated and determined with HPLC by a trade sample contrast after hydrolyzed, which were affirmed more by mass spectroscopy.In rice se proteins, there are both seleno methionine and seleno cyteine for the combined forms of selenium.
收稿日期: 2000-02-25
吴永尧,罗泽民,陈建英,詹重慈. 水稻硒蛋白及其硒结合形态研究[J]. , 2000, 39(2): 0-0.
吴永尧,罗泽民,陈建英,詹重慈. Studies on Se-proteins and Combined forms of selenium in rice. , 2000, 39(2): 0-0.