Abstract:The kenetic equations of quark gluon plasma(QGP) are non Abelian and non linear.It is hard to solve these equations by the traditional methods.This paper suggests that the derivative expansion method is one of the effective methods to slove the nonlinear equations.However,the kenetic equations are gauge invariance,so the derivative expansion method must not violate the aguge invariance.This paper proves that the derivative expansion method violates the gauge invariance at each expansive order,but the physical result we get by the sum of all of the expansive orders is gauge invariance.
收稿日期: 2001-02-25
金猛. 用导数展开法求解QGP动力论方程时的规范自洽性[J]. , 2001, 40(2): 0-0.
金猛. The gauge invariance on solving the QGP kenetic equations with the derivative method. , 2001, 40(2): 0-0.