Abstract:Assessment of ecosystem influence of human development and decision includes either ecological and economic analyses for the regional ecosystem in current condition or for the changing tendency of ecosystem in future. And then, ecosystem influence assessment is consist of ecosystem health assessment, ecosystem services assessment and their changing tendency assessment. The changing tendency of ecosystem in future is mainly controlled by social and economic actions of human being in short term. Based on that, the possible changes of ecosystem health and service caused by the development goals and strategic decisions of human should be assessed and predicted, while human development and decision is regarded as the main outer influence factor, ecosystem health and service in current condition regarded as the background also. this paper defines the concept of ecosystem influence assessment, then offers some methods and models for ecosystem influence assessment.
收稿日期: 2005-03-25
钟儒刚 钟学斌 喻光明 何国松. 人类发展与决策对区域生态系统的影响及其评价方法[J]. , 2005, 44(3): 0-0.
钟儒刚 钟学斌 喻光明 何国松. The concept and methods of assessment for regional ecosystem influence of human development and decision. , 2005, 44(3): 0-0.