Abstract:Currently in fire alarm system, detector bring on high failing alarm rate and high mistaking alarm rate within nearby territory value because of some kind of reason. In this article, a solution is proposed that the detector gauging judgment taken a kind of pattern to carry on the decision-making classification. The Bayes decision-making method is used in the classified process. Pattern classification of alarm is simplified to two values classification in discrete condition, at the same time the classification decision-making function is produced based on the principle that the classification average risk is the smallest. The experiment indicates that new solution is found in this article that it can effectually reduce failing alarm rate and mistaking alarm rate. The conclusion indicated that using the pattern classification method is possible to achieve the quite good effect in the detector critical partial value.
收稿日期: 2007-02-25
史毓达,卢炎生,王黎明. 基于贝叶斯决策模型的火灾报警模式识别系统应用研究[J]. , 2007, 46(2): 0-0.
史毓达,卢炎生,王黎明. The research of the pattern recognition in fire alarm system based on Bayes decision-making model. , 2007, 46(2): 0-0.