Abstract:So far as methodology is concerned, the three discipline groups, namely, the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, have their own peculiar stresses on the following aspects respectively:perfection through edification, matter of fact, spirit and exploration of new sphere of knowledge through the study of the way nature works. Such differences in the nature of methodology naturally lead to differences in academic orientations and criteria. On the other hand, the harmony between universe and human being is exactly a manifestation of the integration of different elements in the trinity of the three discipline groups(i.e.isomorphism) and the co existence, mutual completement and interactions of their multiple methodologies. This harmony, in turn, is a product of the philosophical believes of the ultimate unity after long separation, the tolerance of difference and the compatibility of different elements. Therefore, the remedies for undue biases in each of the three discipline groups and for the syndrome of civilization can be found in the "immediate emphasis on the significance of kun" (a symbol in Yijing, a classic of Confucianism, representing Mother Earth).As a matter of fact we will eventually realize that this is also a policy with strategic importance for our transition from global village civilization to the solar system civilization.