Abstract:A graph G is called an exact-3-relation graph, if there is an edge-labeled tree T such that the set of leaves of the tree T is equal to the set of vertices of the graph G, and xy is an edge of the graph G if and only if the sum of the lables of the edges on the unique path from x to y is 3 in the tree T. In this paper, the following question is discussed: what kind of graph is an exact-3-relation graph. Bipartite graph is the necessary condition that a graph is an exact-3-relation graph is proved, that is, as long as a graph G contains odd cycles, then the graph G is not an exact-3-relation graph. Furthermore, we completely describe the necessary and sufficient conditions that the cycle graphs are the exact-3-relation graphs, that is, a cycle graph is an exact-3-relation graph if and only if the cycle graph is an even cycle, and we give the edge-labeled trees corresponding to the even cycles with respect to exact-3-relation. Finally, the condition that the small graphs are the exact-3-relation graphs is discussed. It is proved that a graph of order at most 7 is an exact-3-relation graph if and only if the graph is bipartite graph.